Sunday, August 12, 2012 August 10th- First Fish #135lb

A company from Anchorage rented the boat out exclusively for a full day halibut trip.  I wanted to try out a new spot at the island I’ve have drove over a few times.  I’m glad I did because within 5 minutes of dropping the anchor we hooked into a 135lb halibut.  The bite stayed consistent with a nice average of halibut for some time.  During our long sit on the rock pile we were also able to land 12 big ling cod.  Right before pulling the anchor we scored and hooked into another 100lb halibut.  It was a perfect day and everything went according to plan- even the weather which is unusual.  After our long sit at the ‘hog’ hole we didn’t leave much time to limit the boat with halibut.  But with a little help from the fish gods we were able to pull over 50 halibut in less than an hour and limited the boat with some white gold.

We had a blast fishing with you guys, way to go today! FISH ON!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012 August 9th- Big Flatties

Today was a halibut and salmon combo trip but because of the slow silver salmon fishing we decided to target halibut and rockfish.  My intention was to fish the southern tip of Montague Island but as we approached the shelf the wind picked up to an Easterly 20 knots & 6 ft seas.  I didn’t feel like puking everyone today so we tucked up in the lee of the island to a calm area where I anticipated some good halibut fishing.  The bite started off slow though started to pick up as the current kicked into into full swing.  We caught 8 fish over 40lbs and one fish was around 90lbs.  After sitting for big ones we loaded the boat with some 15-20 pounders nearby. On our way home we stopped for rockfish and picked up a few silvers in the mix.  Today worked out great despite the lumpy ride out.  Thanks again- FISH ON!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012 August 6th- Full Day Halibut

Weather was calling for a NE 30kt of wind and big seas.  Everyone agreed that we would go halibut fishing or no fishing at all.  The group was already stocked up on salmon and had their hearts set on white meat.  The weather was not too bad at Cape Resurrection so we continued to head east.  I got in the lee of an island to protect us from the wind at our first spot.  We soaked for about 2.5 hours and pulled out 3 big ones and 1 small halibut.  Our biggest fish looked about 90 lbs.  After a long cold soak it was time for some action.  We drove off shore into the larger seas and wind to try to load the boat up.  By 3:30 we had landed our last halibut.  Not too shabby for celebrating two birthdays on the boat today!

Great trip everyone, you guys were tough…FISH ON!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012 August 2nd- Halibut And Salmon Trip

The 4am forecast was not shaping the day to look pretty. The winds were calling for a SW 20kt, we decided to poke our nose out expecting the worst.  I was able to reach my destination without much weather.  We hooked into a few very nice fish at our first spot, a #85lbs and another at #100lbs.  After a few hours we were able to limit the boat out with a nice #25lbs average.  Halibut fishing didn’t leave us much time for Salmon.  By the time we had reached the salmon grounds the bite was said to have died off, according to the fleet.  We tried for a bit but could only entice 3 to bite for us.  Salmon is definitely hit or miss right now but should turn on full force in August.

Looks like we have some good weather coming up and also some big tides.  Should be a great week of fishing for us here in Seward.  Thanks again FISH ON!!!

July 31st- Big Buts

Nothing but blue skies over the fishing grounds today. Again the weather got increasingly better as the day went on, there was no wind and it was hot.  Fist spot today was pretty unsuccessful, we had only caughta 2 halibut at 25-30lbs. Did however pick up a couple big lings while soaking big baits for hogs.     We had a split tide causing the water to go slack during the middle of the day.  Halibut are tougher to catch when there is no water moving with the tide.  I waited until the tide was just switching to an outgoing and sure enough we landed some nice fish.  Our biggest was caught in a single chunk of herring and she tipped the scale at the dock at 150lbs.  Another big one shortly after weighing in at a little under 90lbs.

Today was a single species halibut trip.  These are my favorite because big fish structure requires long soak times in order to get them to bite.   The sharks were in thick at the halibut grounds but we were able to fish through them and pull off a nice load of halibut.  Killer weather and fishing, always nice to have them both at the same time.  FISH ON!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 July 30th- Combo Day

Weather report was not looking nice this morning.  We left the bay and were pushing slowly up the coast through the lumpy NE 20kt of wind and 4 foot chop.  The further we went the nicer it got, by 2pm we had 5kt of wind and 1′ seas.  We made it all the way to Montague Island and the fishing was great.  We tried 1 spot in the morning for some large fish but got no bites in an hour and a half.  After we went for the quick bit to limit the boat out with halibut so we could move onto salmon.  The salmon have been a bit slow lately so it’s important to give ourselves time to find them.  Lucky for us the salmon were not far from the halibut grounds.  In the end we ended up with a few giant lingcod, limit of halibut and 31 salmon.  It was a great trip and the weather man was wrong for the first time in a while.  Glad we poked our nose out today it was worth the trip.  FISH ON!

Monday, July 30, 2012 July 29th- Morning bite brings big fish

I decided to fish on a rock pile I have not fished this year. The first fish that came in was a 75 pound halibut, caught on the salmon carcasses.  Also hooked and landed a few giant ling cod. The tide was just starting to switch into an outgoing when the fish all hit.  We ended up with 5 fish over 75lbs.  The second spot was on fire today. We limited the boat by 4:30 with our fish and headed to the barn to conclude yet another sweet day of fishing.

Sunday, July 29, 2012 July 29th- Peak Season

Great day of fishing, weather called for rough seas but in the lee of the Island it was calm and sunny.  Fishing picked up almost immediately, we hooked into some nice halibut in shallow spot.  A few of the halibut were in the 50-70lb range and were caught on mainly salmon and herring.  Afterwards we we anchored up in the deeper water and caught a boat limit of chickens.  Angela the office girl hooked into a 20lb King Salmon.  We later used the salmons head as bait, no later than 2 minutes her dad hooked into one of the bigger halibut of the day.  FUN DAY OF FISHING! THANKS….FISH ON!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012 July 17th- Light Load Of People, Heavy On Fish

A group of eleven rented the boat for the day, light load for the Sea Quest.  We went straight for Montague in hopes of catching some barn door butts.  We tried a little deeper than usual, but had great success.  The bite was slow at the end of the slack tide but as soon as the water started flooding into the Sound the fish immediately started slamming the herring.  Our bite was consistent and we managed to pull a few nice fish off the pile.  Our largest halibut was about 75 pounds and there were some others right around that size.  Two fat lingcod and rockfish were also landed at our first spot .  At around 2pm the water started to switch so we took out the jigs and made a few passes over some close rock piles for 9 lings.  It didn’t take long to fill the boat, the lings were hungry today.

  Still needed a few halibut at this point so we dropped anchor in some shallow water.  We were a little early in the tide for this spot, but we waited it out and BAM! Savage bite of 30-50lb butts.  One of my favorite days so far this summer in terms of fishing.  We ended up with an awesome average of halibut and lingcod.  It’s nice when the fish know your schedule.  See you guys next week! FISH ON!!!

July 14th – Hitched At Sea

We had Jerol and Sabra accompanied by friends and family to get married.  This was my kind of wedding- If I was going to tie the knot then I would prefer to have a fishing pole in my hand as well.  We pulled into Humpy Cove inside Resurection Bay, for a nice quiet location.  The weather for the three previous days was windy and rough.  Sabra couldn’t have planned this one better, overcast but not raining.  The ceremony lasted about an hour then it was time to fish.

We went straight for the quick bite, targeting average size halibut.  I was expecting the bite to be on but we worked for them.  We spent until 2pm to limit the boat, then targeted black bass on the way home over a few large pinnacles.  By 5pm we had caught around 60 bass and headed for the barn.  What a great first day together as newly weds.  It was a pleasure having your ceremony on our boat, thanks and good work. FISH ON!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012 July 13th – “Ok, Summer is Here!”

BP booked the boat again for their annual Halibut and Lincod trip.  The boat has been at the dock for the previous three days due to a low pressure system hanging above the Gulf.  Finally the weather has cleared and the sea state has come back to normal.  The grounds were full of fish!  All of our big baits were getting slammed all day and an unbelievable amount of bait has finally showed up at Montague.  We had a similar scenario in 2009 with the halibut and salmon showing up late.  All that means is great fishing in the fall months.

We started with halibut today targeting big ones, we got a few in the 50-70lb range.  Moved on to lings in the afternoon when the tide slowed down a bit.  The lingcod bite was out of control, we landed 25 keeper lingcod on the jigs in an 1.5 hours.  It was getting late in the day and I really needed the next halibut spot to produce.  We found a massive school of bait in 180′ of water and dropped the anchor and Bam! fish on!!! Thanks Mike for bringing another group of fun people.  See you again soon.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012 July 9th – Halibut Trip

We hid from the weather today only running about 1.5 hours from Seward.  The weather system has remained off shore for the most part this week so fishing close was far more comfortable.  The fishing was a bit slow, which was expected.  However we did put a few nice fish into the box, with 1 weighing in around 70lbs.  By 1pm we had only eleven halibut and still need another 53.  I was forced to move out of the calm seas and hammer into some chop for about an hour in order to get to the bio mass of halibut.  Once we arrived the bite was ferocious, unfortunately the fish were ranging between 8lbs to 12lbs.  At 3pm we tried another spot where I had caught a few nice fish years back.  Not much size to any of them but we were able to limit the boat out in about an hour.

Fishing should start picking up for us soon here, the silvers are showing up and bait has finally arrived on the shelves.  It’s been a tough spring but I think this fall will make up for it.  Thanks for the great trip, See you next year! FISH ON!!!