Had a day off today so I went out with Steve the captain and owner of Profish-N-Sea to catch some halibut for the freezer. Fishing with our buddies is the only way for captains and crew to fish halibut this summer. 2014 regulations prohibit us to retain halibut during fishing charters.
We left the dock at 5am and pointed right at Montague Island. Within the first 1/2 hr we landed a 60 pound halibut and I hooked one at 100 pounds on a salmon carcass. As soon as my fish hit the deck the other salmon head went screaming off the stern of the boat. The youngest on the boat who grabbed the rod was about 12 years old and when his fish ran it pulled both feet out from under him nearly sending him over the side It was all very exciting, and having 3 captains and 2 deckhands on the boat made everything go very smooth. We had a blast, I wish everyday off was like this. Looks like filling the freezer wont be any trouble after all
Tomorrow we are going to head west towards Kenai Fjords National Park. It’s an amazing fishery that has slowed down over the past few years. I feel that this year may be different so we’re going to try our luck. Hopefully tomorrows fishing report is not one of despair, but you never know until you try…FISH ON!!!