Today’s trip was a full day combo trip, targeting halibut and salmon. The first spot we fished was a small bump on the outside of some major underwater structure. I have done well catching halibut in the 40-80lb range and some big ling cod as well. We arrived in the middle of slack tide and the fishing was a bit slow. We did however land nine average size halibut but still could not get any big fish to bite. We pulled anchor and traveled out to a spot with a faster bite. We pulled up some solid 15-30lb halibut and caught a 50 pounder on a piece of cut herring.
“bigger in person” ( :
For salmon we travelled 33 miles back towards the Cape and fished for silvers for a few hours. We had expected a faster bite but the salmon weren’t as thick as previous days. The wind was blowing pretty good by 3pm causing the boat to drag anchor and hold on top of the fish. We pulled anchor and started drifting over the same grounds and immediatly hooked up with a giant king salmon. The fish pulled so hard I was sure the line was about to snap. It was a very intense fight especially when the fish ran under the boat in the last attemp to shake the hook. When we landed the beast everyone was screaming with joy but mostly relief. Within minutes the silver fishing picked up and we were able to land over 38 silvers. A 30lb king is not a fish you see hanging at the dock everyday, they are usually under 20 lbs. We had a great time and the weather held up long enough for us to get a great day of fishing in. The wind that was expected to pick up steadily during the afternoon remained mostly off shore.
Captain Sean Carlin fishes with a silent intensity that makes you feel like you’re witnessing something serious, like bomb dismantling or heart surgery. His face is angled to detect the slightest movement along his peripheral that a normal person would
Monday, March 14, 2016 FREE AIRFARE TO ALASKA! ok not free, but pretty darn close- Check it
Want to know when the best time is to book a trip to Alaska? Well, the time is NOW. As I was browsing the Internet I stumbled across multiple sites advertising tickets for half the cost to drive to these destinations. I’ll be driving from
Friday, March 11, 2016 Bigger Is Better- 5 Reasons why choosing a larger boat may suit you better than you
After doing various sports shows around America and talking with thousands of people about planning their fishing vacations. There has always been one question followed by a deep grumble that has always been offsetting. “How many people do you
It was a nice surprise this morning as we rounded the cape to flat seas and sunshine while expecting 25 knots of wind from the south west. Sometimes we wonder how the weather man still has a job around here. Alaska weather is about as unpredictable as