Precision Dental from Anchorage rented the boat exclusively for a halibut/salmon combo trip. I’m usually nervous to have the dentist out fishing mainly because I chew tobacco and they love to scold me for it. These guys were easy on me today, but put a hurtin on the fish. During my fishing demonstration I dropped a line and immediately caught a halibut; always a good sign to a good day! The halibut average was around 20-25lbs, great size for a combo trip. We landed our 52nd halibut by 11:30 and best of all we didn’t catch a single dogfish. We worked our way back to Puget bay to try for some silver salmon. We were picking them off one by one but if we were going to accomplish limiting the boat with 72 salmon I knew we would need a faster bite. We fired up the engines and tried one more spot on the way home. I dropped the anchor in 46′ of water right over a big school of bait. Within minutes we had fish on everywhere. These fish were twice the size of the ones we were catching in Puget. The first three fish we caught were all over 15lbs. These fish were very hungry, Miles pulled a whole wolf eel out of the belly of one of the bigger salmon while filleting. The fishing has been spectacular, hopefully it will hold up another three weeks.
The salmon derby starts tomorrow morning, people from all over the state will be coming to Seward to test their skills as salmon fisherman and try to win a piece of the pie. For those of you who follow the blog daily, sorry I’ve missed a few days. I have been trying to hit the rivers up as much as possible on my days off giving me little time to blog. Still after that 30” rainbow trout, She’s got my name on her. Last year I caught her 29.5” sister so I feel that I’m getting closer.
Thanks for a great trip guys…FISH ON!!!